Welcome to the Scandinavian Society of Periodontology 2024 meeting

Posted 13.02.2024

The teamwork of treating the periodontal patient

Periodontal disease and treatment trends

Thursday 2024-08-22
8.30 -8.45 Welcome speech / Opening address.
8.45 – 10.00 What is new and hot in perio - From the new classification to the three treatment guidelines.
Professor Moritz Kebschull - School of Dentistry Birmingham, UK/ Executive Committee EFP / President EFP
10.00-10.15 Discussion
10.15-10.45 Coffee break, mingle and sponsor visits.
10.45 – 11.30 How to improve patient motivation for a desirable behavioural change - theory and practice
Professor Kajsa Henning Abrahamsson - University of Gothenburg
11.30-11.45 Discussion
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.15 "Perio as a team approach" - including the dental team and dental hygienists, prosthodontists, implant surgeons, dental technicians, and medical doctors.
Professor Moritz Kebschull - School of Dentistry Birmingham, UK/ Executive Committee EFP / President EFP
14.15-14.30 Discussion
14.30-15.00 Coffee break, mingle and sponsor visits.
15.00-16.15 Young researcher award competition - oral presentations
15.00-15.15 Periodontal health and cognitive status in patients with dementia: A Swedish population-based cohort study. Mehrad Mohammadi, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.
15.15-15.30 Periodontitis among adult dental care atendees in private practices in Denmark in the period 2000-2011 - Preliminary results. Simranjit Kaur, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
15.30-15.45 The role of periodontitis and periodontal bacteria in development of dementia. Anna Magnusson, Örebro University, Sweden.
15.45-16.00 Association between plasma immunoglobulin G levels against Porphyromonas gingivalis and risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in adults with diabetes. Ava Kolahi Azar, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
16.00-16.15 The impact of systemic antibiotics on the saliva microbiome a􀅌er peri-implant surgery. A descriptive study. Caroline Riben Grundström, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.
16.15-17.15 General assembly / Scandinavian Society of Periodontology
Odd Carsten Koldsland – president, Eija Könönen – general secretary
19.00 Dinner at Munkkällaren – a centrally located restaurant in Visby in a genuine historical environment.
(Optional – additional registration required)

Friday 2024-08-23
8.30-9.00 Periodontal disease and treatment trends in Sweden: Results from the Swedish quality registry for periodontitis
Associate professor Shariel Sayardoust Jönköping University / Linköping University, Sweden
9.00-9.30 Periodontal treatment paterns among dental care atenders in Denmark
Associate professor Christian Damgaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
9.30-10.00 Coffee break, mingle and sponsor visits.
10.00-10.30 Periodontal diseases in Finland: Treatment needs and trends. Professor Ulvi K. Gürsoy, University of Turku, Finland
10.30-11.00 Panel discussion
11.00-11.10 TePe sponsor talk: When just water is not enough - how to ease the feeling of dry mouth
11.10-11.30 Poster viewing and poster discussions
Serum and saliva antibody levels to periodontal species in periodontitis stage and grade . Pirkko Pussinen, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, University of Helsinki, Finland
Ceramides as potential novel biomarkers for the systemic effect of periodontitis. Aino Salminen, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
11.30-12.00 Sponsor exhibition / visits
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.15 Are the novel nicotine and tobacco products a threat to oral health – and how do we help smokers and nicotine users quit?
Professor Charlota Pisinger, Center for Clinical Research and Prevention, Bispebjerg- Frederiksberg Hospital, Denmark Discussion
14.30-15.00 Coffee break, mingle and sponsor visits.
15.00-16.00 Waerhaug Prize lecture
16.00-16.15 Award ceremony young researchers
17.00-19.00 Walk with a guide and “Toast to world heritage”.
19.00 One course dinner at a close by restaurant.

Saturday 24-08-24
8.45– 9.30 What is going on in periodontal research?
Professor Eija Könönen, University of Turku (Sponsored lecture – Oral B)
9.30-9.45 Discussion
9.45-10.15 Coffee break, mingle and sponsor visits.
10.15-11.30 Prosthetic rehabilitation of the periopatient - insights of the prosthodontic Team player
Dr Malin Strasding - Senior lecturer, /University of Geneva | UNIGE · Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials
11.30-12.00 Final remarks and summing-up
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00 – 18.00 Free time
19.00 Gala dinner in a Gotland barn! (Bus transfer at 18.00 from Stage Almedalen)

Social Program

Thursday August 22
The social program includes on Thursday August 22 an optional 3 course dinner at Munkkällaren which is a solid restaurant and pub which opened back in 1965. A wide and exciting menu is offered here, well prepared Swedish food with foreign inspirations. Munkkällaren is centrally located in Visby city centre. Here you enjoy high-class food in generous portions, high service with a unique meeting point in a genuine historical environment with cross vaults from the 12th century.

Friday August 23
On Friday August 23 a personal guide will take you on an entertaining two-hour tour of the world heritage of Visby in small groups. The tour will give you the city's exciting history where truths and legends from Visby's 1,000-year history are mixed. We wander through centuries in the walled city and get to know the streets and squares, alleys and people.
The tour will end in a local Pub where we will toast to world heritage. A􀅌er the tour and toast a one course dinner will be served at a local restaurant nearby.

Saturday August 24
On Saturday August 24 the gala dinner – “Dinner in a Gotland barn” will take place. A bus
transfer will take you around 20 km south of Visby to a genuine Gotland barn. The bus transfer will
make a small round trip of the area and nature around Visby. At the barn the gala dinner will be
served in the beautifully decorated venue in a Gotland theme. Around 22.30-23.00 the buses will
bring you back to Visby again.
The social program will be offered at cost rate and are optional, but we highly recommend each of the events. Gala dinner, the guided tour and toast to the heritage including a one course dinner is included in the registration.

Poster Presentations
Participants are invited to submit abstracts to the ScSP 2024 Conference within the scope of all areas related to periodontology.
Writing guidelines:
Max. 250 words (not including title, authors, and affiliations) use font Time New Roman, single linespacing title in capital leters, bolded authors’ names (e.g. Kononen E, Klinge B) affiliations (e.g. University of Turku, Turku, Finland, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden) the actual text organized as follows: objective, methods, results, conclusion.
Please send your abstract as an atachment (as .doc/.docx) to: Christian Damgaard (chrd@sund.ku.dk)
Submission deadline: 15th of May

Travel grants
Scandinavian Society of Periodontology offers 4 travel grants to be used in the coming ScSP conference. These grants will be given to 4 abstracts selected for participation in the Young Researcher Award Competition (please see below).
Only ScSP young members (graduate students, PhD students, residents who are at speciality training, and post-docs within 3 years of their PhD defence date) can apply for the travel grant. The travel grant amount to 250€.

Young Researcher Award Competition
The Award Commitee will select the best four abstracts among the submited poster abstracts to compete in the award competition. The presenters of these four research projects will present their studies in the competition as oral presentations (10 minutes oral presentation, 5 minutes questioning). The winner will receive a 1000€ award with a certificate.
Note! To apply for the Young Researcher Award competition, a cover leter should be sent together with the abstract. Leter should indicate the willingness to apply for the competition. If the abstract is withdrawn or in the case of no-show, the travel grant will NOT be disbursed. Please remember that only ScSP members can apply to Young Researcher Award Competition.

Registration fees, including the coffee/tea, lunches, social activity on Friday 23.8 and gala dinner on Saturday 24.8, are as follows:
ScSP members/Members of the Swedish and Finish Periodontal Societies: 800 €
Non-members: 1000 €
ScSP student members: 550 €
To register; Further information will be posted for registration opening in February.
The congress office will contact each participant personally via e-mail to help with registration and to make sure they receive an invoice with the correct information once the booking has been made.

For your question regarding registration please contact congress bureu:

Mårten Britse
Phone: +46 739 246368
Hansa Event
Donners plats 1 | 621 57 Visby

Swedish Society of Periodontology and Implantology Winter Seminar

Posted 01.11.2023

Theses defensis by Dimitrios Kloukos (Malmö University) and Yuki Ichioka (Sahlgrenska Academy)

Posted 30.03.2023

Upcoming thesis:

Title: Gingival recession development in orthodontic patients: studies on gingival phenotype diagnostics, local and systemic biomarkers, and the impact of orthodontic treatment on gingival recession development

Dimitrios Kloukos

Malmö University, Faculty of Odontology (OD).ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0665-238X

Public defence: 2023-04-05, Klerken, aulan (KL:2370), Faculty of Odontology, Smedjegatan 16, Malmö, 09:00 (English)

More information can be found here: Dissertation defence – Dimitios Kloukos | Malmö University (mau.se)

Title: Decontamination of implant surfaces

Yuki Ichioka

PhD thesis in odontology at Sahlgrenska Academy, Institute of Odontology, Department of Periodontology.

Public defence: 2023-05-03, F-sal 3, Medicinaregatan 12E, 09:00 - 12:00

 More information can be found here: Yuki Ichioka - Decontamination of implant surfaces | University of Gothenburg (gu.se)